Friday, July 30, 2004

John B. is heading out of town and all

so maybe he just ran out of time to answer me, but just in case I've offended him with my use of the, admittedly derogatory, term "papist," I do apologize.

I was looking for a synonym for Catholic. I hope it doesn't have the strength of a word like n*****. I thought that whatever power it may have had in the past to offend had long since died out. On the other hand, I wouldn't have called him a Polack, either and... well, I can't think of anything that he could call me that would really offend me, I pretty much acknowledge all the collectivist epithets that could be hurled my way as things to be proud of. "Finnlander" is considered an ethnic slur by my ancestors who are still living. It was a term of real social oppression for some who are still living in our neck of the woods. I suppose "Jew-lover" might be used against me in a way that would make me see red. And if someone were to seriously insult my black or Mexican friends I would be very angry. And, as I've said before, I have deep respect for a number of gay people that I don't want to see harmed or hurt.

So, if I've done that to Catholic Packer Fan or his loved ones, or anyone like them, I will do what needs to be done to make it right.

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