Tuesday, February 22, 2005

In some ways Blogging is a fun game.

Bantering with your buddies, flirting with the hot chicks and building traffic are all very cool.

But when it comes down to it, ya gotta provide the basic content to support all that. The question is, what is that content? What is my content? A lot of what I do online is just wild, aimless surfing. A couple posts ago it may have seemed like I was slamming Hunter S. Thompson for being a role model for libertines. If you examine my archives, even cursorily, you'll find a certain amount of libertinism there. Hunter Thompson was, without doubt, a great writer and a great gun owner [until he used his self-defense tool against himself (I love guns and their potential as tools to support and protect life, but I hate anyone who misuses them; thus providing a "witness" for those who feel otherwise)].

If I were a philosophy prof, I'd push the teachings of Epicurus, who is slandered by the standard interpretations of the words "epicureanism" and "hedonism".

A while back, one of those online quizzes labelled me an Aristotelian, primarily, with a strong Epicurean bent [and tertiarily a Randian (and, what the hell, quaternarily Nietzschean)]. I'll bear that label with deep pride. Aristotle invented logic! He was facing the lies of the Sophists, and they had discovered many truths of rhetoric--Aristotle said, in effect, don't concern yourself with the source, concern yourself with the argument.

OK, I was recommended as a tutor for students in logic by Dr. Cole at UMD, who said, "If he can't teach you, nobody can." I got an 'A', the bunch of losers he saddled me with in class got 'B's, and the late-thirties, bored housewife, who on retrospect, might have had something else in mind (the woman he actually said that to) dropped out for lack of desire to practice what I taught her.

[Obtuseness is a great tool for protecting your virginity (who the hell asked it?), as well as protecting your job as customer-servant.]

Was there a point here somewhere?

S**t, I lost it!