but there is a significant difference between rats and squirrels, and reason to shun them both.
The difference is that squirrels pretty much stick to a diet of seeds, and maybe roots or other plant matter. I don't feed them, so I'm not entirely clear on what they eat. My rabidly left-wing...well, I'll fudge on the exact relationship...shoots them at every opportunity, and I understand his motivation. I just actively seal them out and otherwise sick my cat on them. But I know they're vegetarians. In any case, they aren't the persistent competitors for our food supply that rats are; they prefer stuff that's lying around to stuff that they have to work for.
On the other hand... At the Grand Canyon, where I used to live and work, there are signs warning people not to feed the squirrels, or even approach them or allow them to approach you, because THEY CARRY PLAGUE!! And the fleas to transfer it.
Just like rats.
That's enough for me.
Update: The actual comment I'd have put on her sight is this: I used to run the loading dock (among other things) at a local University, where we shared the dumpster with the food service. One day I was out there cleaning up when I saw this rat, as big as a dachshund, lumbering up the ramp to get away from me. He looked just like Templeton from "Charlotte's Web" after the day at the fair.
I still gag thinking about it.