Tuesday, December 21, 2004

I learned last night that little Daniel had died.

I'm not qualified to do any kind of eulogy for him. I didn't know him really. I was asked to pray for him.

And I did.

My prayers bought me more-than-twice-weekly updates on him.

Mostly, it seemed, things were going great. The parents--always positive! Boosting the baby to happiness! Happy baby! Happy baby!

(That's what Rosie would say to jolly our baby to happiness. She's right, more often that not. Even though it seems so stupid to my sophisticated mind.)

Healthy, happy, hopeful...

God said he's ready.

This life is preparation for the next.
He's ready!

What the hell are we training for?
Update: this is the email I got, notifying me of Daniel's death. I thought you should know how Christians handle terrible news:
It is with a heavy heart, so heavy that my chest almost feels as if it will cave in, that I write to share with each of you that my nephew, Daniel _____, at age 3, has gone home to be with my Saviour, and Lord, Jesus Christ. He surrendered at 12:30 this morning to a very hard and long battle with cancer...pain that some of us can't even imagine. He had a really great week last week, we went and looked at lights in Kingfisher, road the train and sang songs as a family in the red caboose...life through a three year old is so amazing, please take time to see it, if you don't have a three year old in your life, find one...observe them and the way they view things!
I appreciate you all for praying, for your love and care as my friends......
Romans 12:12 - Be joyful in hope, patient in trouble, faithful in prayer.....joyful in the Hope that Jesus Christ offers each and everyone of us, that we will be able to see Daniel again, but only, only through accepting Christ as the one and only way to heaven, the son of GOD....patient in trouble, knowing that this is a sinful world, evil, sickness, and trouble will touch us all, but through Christ we have strength and power......faithful in prayer that the Lord does hear us, he does care for us, that we do want his will because it is best even if we don't feel that it is at the time.....He loves Daniel more than anyone and what a Christmas Daniel is going to have!
Thank you once again......please, please don't let this Christmas go by without accepting God's gift, His Son....He came, He came so that all who believe will not perish but live with him forever...I pray that the Lord's love will surround you and your heart and you love Him as much as I do!

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