Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Earth Shoes are the answer!

I have no idea why they hide their website under the Discovering Archaeology site, but...

I was almost doubled over in pain from my hip yesterday afternoon, when I put on my old pair of shoes to go out and mow down the dandelions. (Or see if I could.) I had absolutely no pain from the moment I stood up. So I wore them to work today and was able to take my lunch hour walk. What I feel now (I'm sitting) seems more like the low-level, residual pain of an old injury.

So I'll be going back to WalMart to get a new pair.

Update: the style I'm wearing must be special-made for WalMart. It's called Grady - probably after the old guy from Sanford and Son (or check this link) - and costs about half as much as what they sell on their own site, which is actually www.earth.us.

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