Friday, April 30, 2004

This person nails my feelings about the

supposed "torture" of Iraqi prisoners.

Wow, is that all? Looks like we've been amiss in teaching our armed forces the finer points of Torture 101. This looks more like frat-party frosh-hazing stunts. Then again, maybe the photos of Americans feeding prisoners into plastic shredders, raping the prisoners' wives and daughters, and then feeding them to dogs are still being developed.

Posted by: Andrea Harris at April 30, 2004 at 01:40 PM

I don't feel very sorry for a bunch of Baathist thugs, or any thugs who get a taste of their own medicine, but if I were in charge of these guys I'd arrest the people who were so stupid as to photograph this childish episode for treason. What they've done is as bad as any act of espionage or sabotage.

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