Tuesday, April 13, 2004

The Commissar is concerned

that we little guys are squandering our scarce resources to feed the greed of the great corporate fatcats of the blogosphere who are stealing bandwidth that rightfully belongs to us.

He rightly praises den Beste's egalitarian method of "blogrolling" though I think he's giving him more credit than he's due, from the Commissar's perspective (is that sufficient to recover my pronoun referents?). This petit bourgeois shopkeeper sees it as simply keeping the stock moving. I'm stingy with my shelf space myself. Only the best for my customers. [My schtick is growing, thinking about this.]

The Commissar's words are a call to Revolution, but is it to be a tidal wave of destruction like those brought on by the French Rationalist Enlightenment, or one that will actually succeed in building a better world, as was created by the English Empiricist Tradition.

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