Wednesday, April 28, 2004



"Many are forced to perform meaningless, mindnumbing tasks until they die of hopelessness" reports escapee. "Others are simply lined up and shot, or forced into 'shower' rooms, which they then fill with poison gas."

Some words, offered special privileges, turn against their fellow inmates to assist in their destruction. "The worst was a guy named Justice. When he first came, he would make sure people got the respect and rewards they deserved for their work or their behavior... I mean everybody deserves some respect, right? Unless you start hurting others.... But then the Guards got to him and made a trustee. He started putting everybody on this bed shaped just like him and if you didn't fit just right, he'd hack off whatever hung over. Then he'd put the parts in a potato sack and make the guys who were too small carry them around." Escapee was unfamiliar with the story of Procrustes, modern, or rather post-modern, education being what it is.

Many Scientists agree that the purpose of this internment is purely to exercise power. To win everything, on all levels of social confrontation - from a stare-down to total war - at all costs. One social scientist, on condition of anonimity, said, "It's a scorched earth policy, or rather a Pyrrhic victory or both. The ground, once won, will be waste. Combatants and innocents will all be devastated."

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