Friday, February 13, 2004

I was just over reading Blogheckler

who was saying that you can stay on the Fresh list by hitting "republish" over and over. I was doing that yesterday in an effort to adjust my link list to get rid of the blank spaces. I don't imagine it hurts anything for them to be there, but I wish they were consistent.
That's a little embarassing. It's kinda like going to the bathroom and discovering the curtains are open.

Blogheckler has specifically set up shop to harass Amanda Doerty of Hot Abercrombie Chick. She seems to be ignoring him. I would.

I said the other day that she discusses Libertarian issues. It's primarily a harcore philosophy blog. In the comments section on her Solipsism post she was arguing with a Deconstructionist about The Cogito of Descarte. He did a good job demonstrating solipsism.
Language is only part of life and reality folks. Rocks, trees and bricks are what they are with no help from us and our grammar.

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