Thursday, May 11, 2006

I spent most of my research time today reading

Michael Fumento's accounts of his time as an embedded reporter in Ramadi, Iraq last month, and links to articles by other embeds and Michael Yon's blog.

There's not much I need to add to what he said, but something we need to deal with as voters here is these complaints about fraudulent war profiteers:
In a guerrilla war, building a school or hospital or laying electrical lines or providing flowing potable water can be far more important than killing bad guys. To the extent these projects are not completed -- and vast numbers are not -- it's threatening the war effort. These people are scum and may as well be working for bin Laden. If they violate their contracts, force them to comply -- don't reward them. If they can't comply, jail them. They're traitors. From what I've seen, this war can still go either way depending on the willingness of the American public to stick it out. From what I saw can still go either way. Everybody likes to target Cindy Sheehan -- as indeed I have -- but really she's just an idiot voice crying in the wilderness trying to cling to 15 minutes of fame that expired long ago. It's contractors and those who refuse to hold them accountable who have the ability to make or break this war.

I think a call to your congressman is in order.

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