Sunday, October 16, 2005

Anybody remember when I said I'd post a sexy pic

if I happened to be up blogging at about midnight Saturday night?

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No, that's not what I meant. My blogs are my donations the Universe, not [really not - and, trust me, my wife doesn't let me forget it] money making ventures.

I said Dr. Ruwart is hot. I offer this proof (I'll never again go to an event she's involved in without a great digital camera, I promise):

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Now, I'm 6 foot even. I have a good friend who's 6' 7". I can vouch that Ms. Ruwart is at least 5' 5" and probably one or two inches taller, so Ken Sturzenacker, former Chair of the Libertarian Party of PA, has to be at least 6' 6". He's probably more like 6' 10".

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