Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I like people with an edge to 'em.

That's why I have no friends now. None of 'em could stand each other and they all held it against me that I wanted to hang around with one or more of the other ones.

I like cats too. And "our" cat loves me and hates everybody else.

And, of course, I married one of my friends and none of the rest of my friends can stand her.

It's edged things that I like. I also collect knives.

This is all in aid of introducing an excerpt [a word with a bite] from Ann Coulter's critique of the Oscars:
Although I must tell you, overall, this Academy Awards ceremony was a major strategic retreat by Hollywood. Despite all their Bolshevik bluster about how Democratic politicians won't stand up to Republicans, the Hollywood left is as scared of decent patriotic Americans as the Democrats are.

"Brokeback Mountain" did not win best picture, "Munich" won nothing, and the Palestinian suicide bombers movie won nothing. There was no angry self-righteousness from Vanessa Redgrave against "Zionist hooligans," or from Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon for the Haitian boat people. There was no Bush-bashing. There was no Michael Moore. The host was not Whoopi Goldberg, so that's a big fat reward to every man, woman and child in America right there.

This may have been the most American Oscars yet, if America consisted of beautiful airheads in $50,000 dresses. And that was just the guys in "Brokeback Mountain."

I believe this marks the first time in Oscars history that an award recipient shouted, "Thank you, Jesus!" upon receiving his award. Admittedly, this was the only part of the speech that didn't have to be bleeped and it was for a song titled, "It's Hard Out Here for a Pimp," but it's still a step forward.

She's America's best comedy writer, don't you think? I understand she does a heck of a stand-up show as well.

She doesn't slaughter all the sacred cows that are askin' for it, but she gets a lot of them.

She keeps her tools sharp.

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