Sunday, August 29, 2004

I'm a big fan of Rose Wilder Lane

And I'm rather offended by the entry for her book at Amazon.
The discovery of freedom;: Man's struggle against authority (The Right wing individualist tradition in America)
by Rose Wilder Lane

Here's a comment (actually, two, and I've reversed them) I left on this post at Catholic Packer Fan:
What hacker imposed the phrase "right wing" as if it were part of the title of The Discovery of Freedom in your comment ad?

The discovery of freedom;: Mans struggle against authority (The Right wing individualist tradition in America)

American Individualism doesn't equate to, nor support, reactionary Royalism. Though Americans need to be careful about supporting imperialism.
Old Whig | Email | Homepage | 08.29.04 - 4:22 pm | #

I don't like to see "self-centered" conflated with "individualist". A wise individualist realizes that his interests lie with the success of the team, and directs his personal gifts toward that end.
Old Whig | Email | Homepage | 08.29.04 - 2:44 am | #

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