Sunday, July 09, 2006

The only trouble is, there's two kinds of people who might take it too seriously.

Oldsmoblogger is recruiting bloggers for a movement to restore the Hapsburgs and the old Austro-Hungarian Empire (in Spain, too, Ken?). What would you call them? Neo-Huns?

You just have to make sure that you don't get your movement taken over by neo-Nazis.

The other group that would take you too seriously are the conspiracy nuts who already think the world is run by those people now.

Ken's got a very cool graphic for his emblem, which I seem to be having trouble getting ImageShack to show you, so I'll just link his Host's page for it. Of course, it's right there in his post. And on his sidebar.

Ken's also got a couple good self-defense rights posts up front that are worth your time. And he led me to a George Will piece about the contradiction inherent in Campaign Finance Reform:
Proof that incumbent politicians are highly susceptible to corruption is the fact that the government they control is shot through with it. Yet, that government should be regarded as a disinterested arbiter, untainted by politics and therefore qualified to regulate the content, quantity and timing of speech in campaigns that determine who controls the government. In the language of McCain's Imus appearance, the government is very much not "clean," but is so clean it can be trusted to regulate speech about itself.

The Imus reference?
On April 28, on Don Imus' radio program, discussing the charge that the McCain-Feingold law abridges freedom of speech by regulating the quantity, content and timing of political speech, John McCain did not really reject the charge:

"I work in Washington and I know that money corrupts. And I and a lot of other people were trying to stop that corruption. Obviously, from what we've been seeing lately, we didn't complete the job. But I would rather have a clean government than one where, quote, First Amendment rights are being respected, that has become corrupt."

Once again, I direct you to Ken's site.

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