Back in the day, down on the farm, Grandpa John, Grandpa Jerry, and I would find a hornets' nest situated high under the eaves of our two-story house or the machine shed. We would choose an attack by one of three weapons at our disposal; rocks, a water hose with spray nossle, or a Daisy BB gun. After initiating a pre-emptive strike in hopes of knocking down the nest, we would run like the dickens. We 'kicked open a hornets' nest'. We, being on the cutting edge, acted like good Liberals and ran away to hide, 'talking big' to mask our knocking knees.
But the metaphor continues. The hornets are there. If the nest isn't knocked down and destroyed it will grow and actively expand the hornet population. Normal human action in the area will increase hazardous interaction with the hornets; their lifestyles will be severely altered. Men, women, and children will be more greatly endangered, even in the simplest activities.
Taking our cues from General Douglas McArthur, we returned, doing whatever we found necessary to destroy that hornets' nest.
"Plumbline" libertarians, will object to me describing myself using their term--I would proclaim my defense in terms understandable to Presidents Jefferson and Madison and the great English stateman Edward Burke. I am, I find, a Minarchist rather than an anarchist. Though, I truly do hope to find that, as we continue to reduce the scope of government, we will never find the point at which human-beings (individuals) are incapable of handling their own affairs.
However, I fear, that nature, including Human Nature--perverted as it is by reliance on collective solutions to problems--forces us to face our collectivist enemies with congregated force.
Convincing arguments will be rewarded with at least one convert.