Monday, April 17, 2006

I let that sit like that all weekend?!

Sorry about that.

Anyway, Robert Ringer has a nice theory:
Today, less than 10 years after pulling Hong Kong into its clutches, China has gone from 50 million telephone users to 500 million! And people with telephones tend to be more difficult to rule than those who communicate by carrier pigeon.

What this means is that 40 percent of China's once impoverished population now has telephone service. Even more remarkable is that 300 million of those telephones are cellphones - and that number is projected to double by 2010. (Isn't it amazing how those nasty little "sweatshops" have a way of improving the lives of the very people who produce the sweat - notwithstanding the protestations of self-anointed, clueless moralists from Manhattan's Upper East Side to Hollywood?)

I mean, it's not quite "We will bury you!" But I like it.

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