Saturday, March 05, 2005

Omni, your theory isn't handling the anomalies.

Rock Hudson was widely acknowledged as a man's man. [Sorry, bad joke (though, one of the most masculine men I know, a former blacksmith in the mines up north, admits to having said exactly that before the news came out), but] Look at Cary Grant, you don't consider that an unrealistic standard to achieve?

Thank God for Spencer Tracy!

Of course, mentioning him only brings up Katherine Hepburn... Mmm. Katherine Hepburn. Most men don't achieve her level of competence, confidence or looks.

How'd she end up with him?

I've heard that Stalin died in his bed while doctors who were perfectly capable of curing him debated the wisdom of doing so in the next room. And wisely decided to prolong their debate instead.


I've noticed that my kind acts seem to multiply and come back to me, as do my unkind acts. When I'm patient and polite on the highway, in particular, I notice that others seem to be as well, and the opposite happens when I'm impatient and rude.

I mentioned that my prayers seem to come true. I'm not sure how that works, but your theory of Karma seems to shed some light on it. You'd think that a loving God would just automatically give people what they need to live happy, productive lives, yet it actually seems that people whom I remember to ask God to bless do better than people I forget to bless.

I can't think of anyone in particular that I could use as an example. Well, my mother... I tend to take her for granted. There's no need to pray for her. Of course God's taking care of her, right? Well, that attitude has led to her being near bedridden. She's getting better very slowly now, but now I remember to pray for her.

That's actually a rather extreme example, and an unforeseeable one that I don't feel as guilty about as the preceding paragraph might imply. There are myriads of people to pray for, and I'm just one guy. I won't say I'm new to the idea of praying without ceasing, but I've received but little guidance. [My own fault.] Perhaps it is up to me to add this bit of wisdom to the world. My life goes so much better since I've begun to do two things: 1. I think "God bless you" whenever I look someone in the eye, and 2. I remember a prayer that I say whenever I remember it (circular, yes) that God will bless everyone whose name I remember.

I've been thinking about writing a book on "prayer for atheists," but this is about as much insight as I've come up with.