Saturday, March 12, 2005

Can anybody tell the difference

between the way this thing says what I said and the way I said it?
Thanks t'mah buddy, Lance,
ah find thet thar's a real, live politician sayin' whut ah's hankerin' t'hear on Social Security refo'm, dawgone it.

[A politician tellyng yo' whut yer hankerin' t'hear?! Fry mah hide! No WAY! Fry mah hide!! Fry mah hide!]

No, not "Throw th' old varmints into th' snowbank! Fry mah hide!"

But it's not "a possum in ev'ry pot," eifer. It's bold but moderate. Moderately bold, cuss it all t' tarnation.

Just a matter of the spelling, seems to me.

Oh, here's the main site; it's called The Dialectizer.