Thursday, October 23, 2003

Holy Mackeral! A whole week!

I was just over here checking out the Angry Economist, while I was looking over a book about the FDA hearings back in '95, and I had the thought: the assumption of innocence may just be the primary reason for the prosperity of western societies. We just don't go around assuming that our neighbor got his stuff illegitimately. And attacking him to take it away. Much. Yet.

The more that goes on in a society, the poorer it is. How do I write the grant to check that theory out? Tom Sowell's probably done it already. Well, it can't be repeated enough. Of course, it's probably buried in Human Action. Mary Ruwart pretty much says it in Healing Our World, and I wouldn't be surprised to find it as the major theme in Johan Norberg's In Defense of Global Capitalism.

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