Saturday, February 09, 2008

Tom DeSabla is one of those guys

who "rages against the machine."

I just said I believe in politeness, but let's be more clear: politeness is not a metaphysical primary. It's a high value for civilization, but the fact is, sometimes you meet people who don't deserve it. I could probably do a dissertation on who deserves it and who doesn't. Basically, it's those who's ideas would destroy civilization who don't deserve it. What destroys civilization is the fundamental disagreement in politics, of course. That's what we're debating.

DeSabla, kind of a libertarian Michael Savage (both of whom I've managed to listen to this morning), weaves in some pretty strong points among the strong words of his anti-statist-media rant, some of which, to be sure, are about the incentives the media respond to, not all of which are about statism, a lot of their incentives are about their and their audience's short attention span. He's got an outline of the Feb. 6 show on his web page.

Too bad he blows out polite company right off the bat.

He rips this op-ed for not mentioning Ron Paul, but it's generally a pretty good article. Mickey Edwards should have mentioned Paul as the one guy who's saying more of what he's saying than the rest of the guys left in the campaign.

Speaking of who's left, Romney proved he's not a real conservative when he dropped out of the race the other day. If he had any real convictions, he would have campaigned through this weekend and tried to convince people that he really is the guy who stands for what we thought he stood for.

And here's what Dr. Paul says:
With Romney gone, the chances of a brokered convention are nearly zero. But that does not affect my determination to fight on, in every caucus and primary remaining, and at the convention for our ideas, with just as many delegates as I can get. But with so many primaries and caucuses now over, we do not now need so big a national campaign staff, and so I am making it leaner and tighter. Of course, I am committed to fighting for our ideas within the Republican party, so there will be no third party run. I do not denigrate third parties -- just the opposite, and I have long worked to remove the ballot-access restrictions on them. But I am a Republican, and I will remain a Republican.

I also have another priority. I have constituents in my home district that I must serve. I cannot and will not let them down. And I have another battle I must face here as well. If I were to lose the primary for my congressional seat, all our opponents would react with glee, and pretend it was a rejection of our ideas. I cannot and will not let that happen.

In the presidential race and the congressional race, I need your support, as always. And I have plans to continue fighting for our ideas in politics and education that I will share with you when I can, for I will need you at my side. In the meantime, onward and upward! The neocons, the warmongers, the socialists, the advocates of inflation will be hearing much from you and me.

What's that sound like to you?

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