Friday, May 16, 2008

This guy beat me to a point I've been mulling for a while

This guy, I mean:
Those who favor national health care schemes should take a good, hard look at our veterans’ hospitals. There is your national health care. Those institutions are a national disgrace. If this is the care the government dispenses to those it honors as its most heroic and admirable citizens, why should anyone else expect to be treated any better?

If our "liberals" gave a rats ass about convincing conservatives of the value of "socialized" medicine, they might consider making more of a showcase of our veterans hospitals. I'm sure Roosevelt hadn't imagined them ever becoming the disgrace that they are.

That's a peripheral point to the one it The Nihilist in Gold Pants?...was making against Ron Paul, but it struck me as about the most important thing he had to say.

Look, Ron Paul was just the greatest of the mainstream party members running for president to me. He was an inadequate Libertarian, but there was no way we were going to do better any time soon.

For mainstream appeal, I'm willing to support a Bob Barr or a Wayne Allen Root if the Libertarian Party chooses one of them, but the best choice for humanity is Mary Ruwart - who actually provides us with the real solutions to our ills, and has extensive personal experience dealing with America's bureaucracy.

Is the bureaucracy ready for her? No.

I'm afraid they'd moderate her power as President, but if she returned America to the state it was in in Grover Cleveland's second term (politically, not technologically or economically) the world would be improved to an astounding degree.

Update: was that Glenn Reynolds? Kick A!

The discussion there really kicks butt. I wasn't expecting that.

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