Saturday, March 24, 2007

I just took an Enneagram test

at I'm mildly annoyed with them. You can't do much there without being presented with one or a dozen market surveys. I got the dozen when I tried to find out what the hell they meant when they said I my "signature color" is "brown." You don't have to take them, and I do do some online surveys now and then, but that's not what I want from Tickle. I already pay for the service.

My Enneagram is 5: The Experimenter. I present that to explain why I signed up with The Experimenter profile jibes well with my Myers-Briggs INTP status, and, frankly, doesn't tell me a helluva lot more than what I've found out about INTPs.

These are the same guys who told me my IQ is 140. Near as I can tell, that's the highest score they allow. Which is probably sensible on their part, because they don't ask hard enough questions to determine a higher score. So if you ace it, you get 140.

Then they advised me to work on my EQ if I want to be the sort of successful person who doesn't feel the need to pay for online psych test. [All right, I added that last part.]

They also told me I should work outdoors. That's the one I paid for, and the most useful one.

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