Wednesday, June 01, 2005

I forgot to show you where I spent the weekend!

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You know how I enjoy primitive living conditions.

Check out this view, eh?

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All right, I'm kidding. I didn't spend more than 3/4 of an hour there. (My innards still work better than that, even though many of my readers consider me a geezer.)

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Truthfully, here's where I was:

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And here's the view:

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I could show you the work we did, but that's about enough photoblogging for now. I'll just list the accomplishments:

1. Sid put in the main dock alone, before I got there. A source of shame for me.
2. Sid dropped the rails for the boat before I got there. Later, he attached the connections while I was there, but I was spelling Laurie at babysitting.
3. We put in the second dock. I fall in the lake, discovering what "shock" really means.
4. We hooked up the water supply to the sauna (pronounced SOW-na!! It's a Finnish word. We expect you to respect that. Though it would be possible to negotiate a swap of personal services for the right to abuse that pronunciation.).

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5. And we dropped the boat-lift for the fishing boat. And put the fishing boat on it. That latter task only took 45 minutes.

Ya know, the way to stretch out a weekend is to accomplish a number of different tasks. Remember how high school seemed so interminable? Break up your day with varied and difficult activities. your life will be fuller and your vacations more satisfying.

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