Thursday, May 19, 2005

I just found another guy I think I'll like:

Razorback Lawyer. Check him out.

In other news, my buddy Oldsmoblogger (I haven't talked about my love of Oldsmobiles yet, and haven't dredged far enough to learn about his) has a great post on why you should ignore Marxist economics: he calls it, Math is Fun:
The argument is this: The "middle fifth" as described above had a smaller share of the nation's wealth in 1997 than it did in 1989; therefore, it was worse off in 1997 than it was in 1989.

Was it?

That's the great thing about math, not to mention the Internet; we can find out. In what I'd characterize as barely more than a back-of-the-envelope analysis, I spent half an hour poking through tables at the Bureau of Economic Analysis, and another half hour with Microsoft Excel, and here's what I learned.

Ho ho! Read the whole thing, or RTWT as I like to say.

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