Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Congratulations to Cardinal Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI

and the Catholic Church.

I know there are many disappointed people who wish the Pope weren't Catholic. Better luck next time.

"We're sorry for the inconvenience."

Update: Look to the round-up of round-ups at The Moderate Voice. (Oops, forgot the link. Now fixed.)

How do I feel? I'm happy the Catholic Church has decided to remain Catholic. If you want to disobey Catholic teachings, you should leave.

Look, the future belongs to the people who reproduce at at least replacement level. "Liberals" are taking themselves out via the "Roe Effect," and conservative religionists will take their place. Let me speak plainly: conservative sex is the only safe sex for the future of YOUR kind (whatever your kind is). That is, sex must be restricted to very carefully and thoughtfully chosen partners. If you don't do so, you end up having to use birth and STD (sexually transmitted disease) control and abortion to control the consequences. Failure of the method of birth and STD control, or failure to practice any method, leads to the abolition by Nature [and Nature's God] of your genetic strain. Either through disease or the stupidity of your offspring, who will most likely eliminate the strain via either disease or the embrace of violence.

Update: sorry, I got tired.

So there's no point in a 2000-year-old institution catering to your blip of an aberration in human thought.

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