Monday, August 25, 2003

Here's an article that should be divided up into chapter and verse and snuggled in between Philemon and Hebrews:

In a world where instability is feared, politicians promise security, dressed up in campaign fusillades of "time for a change" because the challengers acknowledge there's been no security during the previous term. If everybody's always looking for a change, does it ever get done right? Of course not. But success is always just around the corner for the subjugated, albeit in a classic, Greek, Sisyphean sorta way.
When utilitarian arguments fail, vile politicians appeal to morality. Country X is using slave labor. Country Y tortures dissidents. Why do we need politicians to make moral decisions for us? These choices must be made individually, with the confidence that their combined effects will be felt by the market. Trade interference is simply an extension of the popular delusion that it makes sense to have the fewest options. No politician is going to represent your opinions on everything, so why bother? You represent yourself. You make buying decisions considering everything that's important to you, and that's the most vote you can ask for. Cherish it. Cherish the complexity and fine granularity allowed when nobody speaks for you but you. Savor the wonderful things that can happen when the fine tolerances of the market are left to function with their natural delicacy.
Under coercion, gone are the happy and surprising relationships grown and cemented by commerce. Think of the friendly interactions because of trade and mutual dependence among disparate parties in your local environment – the same dependence which anti-traders point to as a pending disaster! Those with eyeballs connected to brain know it as the prevention of disaster; nothing contributes to peace better than knowing you will have lowered your standing while defeating your enemy. So why does the ruling class perpetually strain against the obvious and lead whole populations to ruin? One need only know that they do, and that we must resist.

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