Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Omni tells me that BlogShares dumped me

because they think I'm Old Blue the Heretic.

Thank you for the compliment! That guy really knows how to blog! Whether I approve of how he uses his power is beside the point. I enjoy reading it, when I'm overcome by my perversity.

Anyway, I guess I'll have to go over there and kick some adz.

Oh! Go see what Omni's going on about while you're waiting. She's got an URL for a Pam & Tommy Lee movie you've heard about. But what I find surprising is that I've been blogging longer than she has. Not by much, really, 6 months or so...

I forgot about my anniversary.

If anybody's paying attention, I've been updating without announcing it. It's that spirit of perversity again.

If any Singaporeans want to tell Omni why you love her blog, feel free to spout off here.

Well, I registered with BlogShares with no trouble. I have no idea what I'm doing there yet. I decided that I'd just accept the TOS, since Omni did. I've read enough damn TOSes.

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