Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Over at a Blog Named Write Lightning

Deb Thompson makes a good point about the Eminent Domain issue:
From now on the term "blight" is probably going to be one of those words pulled out of the proverbial top hat any time a city wants to build up its tax base a bit. It will become a developer's favorite word. Homeowners will see it as a bulldozer to be used against their individual interests and a battering ram to be used by collective homewowners (or business owners) to force undesirables out of the 'hood. So attorneys will now be hard at work to make the term "blight" mean as many different things as possible for their client's interests, while holding the other side's interests to as narrow a definition as possible.

And, btw, the whole idea of a City Manager disturbs me. We elect a Council and a Mayor... Who's this guy?

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