Monday, May 24, 2004

They weren't at all kind to these men,

or Holy Bleep! These guys mean business!

The Blog Jens 'n' Frens, which I found via InstaPundit, links to this column by Mark Steyn:

Don't give Iraqis self-rule all at once

May 23, 2004


Here's a story no American news organization thought worth covering last week, so you'll just have to take it from me. In the southern Iraqi town of Amara, 20 men from Scotland's Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders came under attack from 100 or so of Muqtada al-Sadr's ''insurgents.'' So they fixed bayonets and charged.

I hate to give away the punchline, but:

By comparison, a Cruise missile, an unmanned drone, even a bullet are all antiseptic forms of warfare. When a chap's charging at you with a bayonet, he's telling you he's personally willing to run you through with cold steel. The bullet may get you first, but, if it doesn't, he'll do it himself.

The Scots haven't lost it after all. Read the article to see the results, and some great ideas for Iraq's future.

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