Tuesday, September 18, 2007

HillaryCare 2.0: More of the Poison that Is Killing Our Healthcare System‏

I'm posting this. I think it's right on the money. That title is a quote, btw. Here's the rest of this letter to the editor from the Ayn Rand Institute:
Dear Editor:

Like all other “universal healthcare” schemes, Mrs. Clinton’s is guaranteed to lead to disaster if implemented, because it ignores the basic requirement of medical progress and falling prices: freedom for doctors, patients, and insurance companies.

The problem with our current system is that government coercion has infected every facet of medicine, dictating everything from how many doctors are allowed to be licensed to which medical professionals may perform what procedures, to what procedures insurance companies must provide on their plans. And yet Mrs. Clinton seeks to solve our problems with more coercion. For example, her new “guarantee” that “your insurance company will be required to renew at a price you can afford” is a veiled call for price-controls--and a prescription for insurance companies to be exposed to a bankrupting combination of huge liabilities with comparatively low premiums.

If anyone is interested in fixing American healthcare, there is only one solution: get the government out of it.

Alex Epstein
Analyst, Ayn Rand Institute

Copyright © 2007 Ayn Rand® Institute. All rights reserved.

Well, once again, I seem to have raced ahead of their postings on their website, but this is where you'll find this.

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