Tuesday, December 20, 2005


That's not the worst guess, Steve, but the fact is, I've never been afraid to blog while drunk. Nor have I ever had the presence of mind to use Blogger's service to stop any displays of stupidity.

No, I just let the girl play Sims or whatever on the PC until story time every night. Then, after I read to her for a while, I'm just feeling to content with life to want to go opinionate or otherwise explain things to the world.

I also read a while back that my blood pressure medicine is being tested for its ability to reduce the trauma experienced by...well, by victims of rape when they remember the, uh, episode.

Well, the thought occurred to me that would also have the effect of making it hard to learn from your mistakes. Hmmm...

So now I have to worry about that possibility, AND the placebo effect of having thought of it.

Come to think of it, I'm not really all that worried.

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