Thursday, August 18, 2005

It was raining during my lunch hour today, so I drove over to the nearest BN Bookstore

to see what they had to offer.

When I wandered in, I asked God what he thought I should buy. Then I strolled through the store looking for whatever seemed most inspiring.

Oddly enough I found myself looking at a book called The Kama Sutra Guide to Hot Sex. (If I remember right -- my analytical mind shut down when I opened the front cover.)


Holy Frijoles, Batman!

Mama mia!! That's a spicy meat ball!!!

Sittin' there, right at a ten-year-old boy's eye level!!!


The analytical mind cut right back in when I looked at the price: $16.95.


Should a Bourgeois Philistine ... Christian ... part with the bucks for ... this sort of ... artistic endeavor?


When I mentioned it to The Accountant, she seemed to think the price was negligible.


"Ah'll be back!" methinks.

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