Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I promised [promises, promises] I'd get after this Edward Feser

article, The Metaphysics of Conservatism.

I was bouncing around between my emails and the blogs, so, when I started reading it, I was thinking that I was reading an Atlasphere article and that it was endorsed to some extent by Objectivists. I assumed Feser was promulgating an updated or metaphorical version of the theory of Forms when he mentioned Plato, rather than endorsing a separate Realm of Being somewhere where, for instance, Perfect Roundness exists absent a thing which is round.

This is what Realists believe: that any concept you can imagine exists in its perfect form in heaven, from which it emanates its essence to imperfect copies out here. If you are a Realist (for this discussion, I insist that you see and understand the capital 'r' there, I've given my understanding of a technical term; I'm not discussing realists, pragmatists [big or small "p"] or pessimists), I'm not intending to be flip. That's the understanding I was given in Intro to Phil, and I was so disgusted I haven't looked further.

Goodness and Right... Justice and Honor and Power exist. But they don't exist absent things or beings which manifest them. Or rather, their manifestation in people we can see doesn't prove their existence in pure form in a pure place.

Piss, gotta quit.

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