Friday, November 05, 2004

Deb at True blue has a good post

about the difference between Rights and Privileges. I left this comment there:
"Civil liberties...are usually a constitution."

[Referring to her citation of this definition from ("the notoriously left-wing"*) Wikipedia. *I wish I could remember who said that, but I've seen no evidence to doubt it.]

While I generally agree with you, although I'm one who says that the government should stay out of marriage - I think that government marriage is indeed a granting of privileges, but I want them to just butt out, I'm offended by Wikipedia's definition. God (or Gaia or evolution) created our rights and His [S]ign is, that laws that offend against them are too expensive - in effort, money or lives (or individual human potential) - to enforce.

You see, I believe that human rights are fairly obvious. You just look at human behavior that's too much of a pain in the ass to stop, and you stop trying to stop it. Murder, rape, assault and theft are too much of a pain not to stop. I want the police to focus on these things and let Society and the Market find other solutions to the rest.

There are varieties of these things "at the margins" where Society and Government need to draw lines: abortion, the death penalty, date rape, spousal rape, fist fighting... These are things that might be amenable to cultural differences.

Btw: I've always agreed that different cultures might find different solutions to problems, and that ours is not necessarily the best in every situation, but I believe that there is a best solution and the search for it can be helped by finding the society that has solved it best. But all societies are hodge-podges, some are better than others generally speaking, but each probably does have some wisdom to offer us in the furtherance of human progress (toward the individual happiness of every person).

I find that Lefties over state this fact and promote relativism. I think relativism is the cop-out of those who have discovered (or rather, refuse to discover) that reality hates the socialization of economic (that is: scarce relative to demand) goods.

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